All posts by MonkY

Western Digital VelociRaptor RAID0 Review

Pana nu demult eram complet convins impotriva unei solutii RAID0 pe calculator. Pe langa cresterea cu 50% a sansei de a pierde datele, viteza castigata si problemele cauzate de controllere RAID care de care mai obscure… nu atrageau deloc asupra unui astfel de setup. Insa dupa ceva timp de folosire a Raptor-ului de 74GB (10.000 RPM) de la Western Digital insa, m-am convins de fiabilitatea unui astfel de HDD, iar la urmatorul upgrade la versiunea de 150GB (unde s-a mai simtit o crestere de viteza) m-am convins sa trec pe RAID0, totodata folosind o solutie de backup pe un HDD extern (eSATA).

Western Digital VelociRaptor Continue reading Western Digital VelociRaptor RAID0 Review

Lansarea ConsoleGames.Ro . Un simplu nume sau poate un simplu website pentru unii… insa pentru noi inseamna mult mai mult. E proiectul de suflet pe care am reusit in sfarsit sa-l lansam pe 01.08.2008. E inca un mic bebelus, dar care invata cum sa fie pe placul tuturor, invata ce sa spuna si ce sa arate tuturor. Conceput in ideea de a fi centrul comunitatii gamerilor consolisti din Romania, va asteapta cu news, reviews, interviuri, filmulete, trailere, concursuri cu o multime de premii, arcade cu joculete online si un forum pe masura… well, cam tot ceea ce isi poate visa un gamer serios in Romania. Va astept pe sa ne criticati si sa ne ajutati sa devenim o adevarata comunitate. Multumim, si numai urari de bine noului nascut!

Console Games Romania

Laser TV Coming in 2008 !

Well, the TV “beast” feeded with lasers is finnaly close to public release. Mitsubishi LaserVue is the first Laser TV set to be launched late this year (2008), and seem to be a good contender for today Plasma, LCD, Projectors & DLP TV’s. Although nobody actually reviewed a final unit, the general impression was something like “The blacks are black, the brights are bright, and the viewing angle puts DLP to shame. The price points are going to be more comparable to plasma and LCD than DLP”. With 200% color gamut that LaserVue provides (more than twice that of most traditional HDTVs), it will run at 120Hz, and boast 500 nits of brightness. I can’t say nothing before i’ll see one, but i expect nothing bad out of this. I guess it’s time for competitors in HDTV Arena to sharpen their pixels and lower their power consumption. Hit read more to get the full Q&A from Mitsubishi regarding the LaserVue TV’s. The press release is also included. Enjoy!

Continue reading Laser TV Coming in 2008 !

Snake Returns !

As Metal Gear Solid 4 is coming back in force (thx Master Kojima) and i am continuing the console-comics contest started on Computer Games Forum (you can check and participate in here)… well, here is a new comic i’ve created. I just hope Halo 3 fans will enjoy this as much as i did (insert evil laughs). Kids these days…

MonkY - Snake Returns

What’s Hiding Inside Your Phone ?

… or better said “How to cook your mobile phone using microwave?”. I don’t know exactly what kind of microwave that is, but what’s got inside is really something. Enjoy the movie!

Let’s Live In Colour !

We live in times when the technology pushes further and further, sometimes forcing us to not even stop and enjoy what is beeing offered by that technology. Fortunatelly, some of us actually take time and discover the beauty behind the techonology beast. For example, take a look at what Art Lebedev Studio is offering, starting with Optimus Maximus Keyboard (an lcd keyboard), continuing with the Crazy Remote and Super Phone. They even covered small things, like digital ashtrays, digital clocks and unbelievable hifi items. Hit the picture to go to our gallery, or click here to visit Art Lebedev Studio’s homepage. Enjoy!

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Romania Se Lupta Cu Morile De Vant!

“Romania se lupta cu morile de vant!”. Pare o expresie tipica pentru vremurile lui Don Quijote dar atat de des intalnita in ultima perioada incat a intrat deja in domeniul banalului. Chiar daca in locul morilor de vant punem giganti precum Microsoft, Sony si Nintendo, tot nu mai impresioneaza. S-au inradacinat atat de rau in roman lipsurile incat nimic nu-l mai poate soca, nimic nu-l mai poate impresiona. Mai ales cand vine vorba de niste gameri. Pentru presa din Romania in general, cuvantul game deja inseamna stire de nisa. Atat timp cat in continut nu se regaseste Basescu sau Tariceanu, stirea este deja de mana a doua. Sa nu mai vorbim de game (joc), care pentru romanul suparat in general nu-si mai are locul. Putini sunt cei carora un astfel de cuvant le provoaca un zambet ascuns, cei pentru care viata inca inseamna un joc. Sau cei care dupa o zi nenorocita de munca se retrag in linistea micii garsoniere unde apa calda este taiata si caldura vine de la un amarat de resou. Aceeasi care in liniste isi pornesc consola sau calculatorul si se retrag in mica lor lume virtuala. Sa nu-i uitam si pe cei care isi educa micul prichindel cum sa conduca de la 4 ani masina la Need For Speed, sau cei care la o petrecere uita de orice grija cu prietenii la un SingStar, Tekken sau Guitar Hero…


Continue reading Romania Se Lupta Cu Morile De Vant!

Sony Launches Nessie To Water…

… but wait. Is this real? Oh my. It’s a hologram. Seems like Sony finally mastered the 15 metters hologram and made a demo right in Tokyo by unleasing Nessie right on the water. Looks so real i can’t even imagine how the entertainment market will look in the near future. Or maybe who knows, they’ll use the technology for games…

Give Romanian Gaming Community The Rights!

This is the petition we, the romanian console gamers have just started, in hope that the oficials from Microsoft Corporation, Sony Corporation & Nintendo will really hear us and show us the same respect that the other European Union members get and give us Xbox Live, Playstation Store and Wii Shop. So, go here and sign, helping the cause! Thank you in advance! Read more to see the petition and learn about Romania.

No Live for Romania! Continue reading Give Romanian Gaming Community The Rights!

Full HD Not Enough ? Think Super HD !

Almost everyone these days is talking about High Definition, Full HD, BluRay and HD-DVD as present HiFi technology. But how about taking a look in the near future? Well, seems like Panasonic as part of APDC (Advanced PDP Development Center) is already developing next generation plasma. Instead of Full HD, the main words are now “Super HD”, which is “just” 4 times higher resolution than Full HD (4000 x 2000 vs 1920 x 1080). I think we are finnally going to put the television next to photography. You can now think Super HD as beeing 8 Megapixels while Full HD beeing only 2 Megapixels. But, what’s more to like, is the fact that the next gen will feature a 42″ Super HD resolution with only 70W needed! I mean… WOW! My 50″ Full HD plasma needs now arround 600W. So going 4 times higher resolution and 8 times lower power consumption… that’s what i call “The Future Sounds/Looks Good!”. For more details check in here.

Super HD Plasma

Dvico Tvix 5100SH Review

Another day, another gadget. De data aceasta, o jucarie pe care o doream cu toti, care sa ne inlocuiasca PC-ul sau vechiul DivX player si care sa poata reda filme FullHD fara probleme. Si cum la moda acum sunt .mkv-urile si deja vorbim de 1080p, ar trebuia ca “jucaria” respectiva sa aiba suficienta forta sa randeze asa ceva fara probleme. Well, jucaria in cauza vine de la un producator coreean numit Dvico, iar modelul din review este cel numit si “coffee maker”: TVIX 5100SH. Hit read more pentru review-ul complet.

Dvico Tvix 5100SH

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Panasonic TH-50PY70 Review

Well, cei care ma cunosc, stiu ca sunt pasionat dupa nebunii HiFi, in special ultimele aparitii pe scena asta tumultoasa si din ce in ce mai evoluat. Cei care nu ma cunosc, probabil ca au ajuns pe aceasta pagina cautand pe web un review la un produs pentru care in Romania nu se agita nimeni sa-i faca o prezentare mai serioasa. Nici macar la recentul HiFi Arena un astfel de model nu a putut fi gasit, cei de la Panasonic neprezentand alt model decat din seria PY700. Dupa cum se stie neoficial insa, seria PY700 are inca un strat protector antireflexiv, fapt ce ii da un aspect mai mat si totodata ii scade din contrast de la 10.000:1 la 5.000:1. Acesta fiind unul din principalele motive pentru care am optat pentru PY70, care in mod normal ar trebui sa fie versiunea mai “slaba”. Well, sa vedem in continuare daca este asa sau nu. Apasa read more pentru review-ul complet.
Panasonic TH-50PY70P Continue reading Panasonic TH-50PY70 Review

Microsoft’s Present For Xmas

If you want to laugh, you can start right now! You all remmember the deadly famous RROD (Red Rings of Death) from Microsoft’s Xbox360 console, right? Well, this time, with the new Falcon boards, you get a nice present from them. Whenever the console will crash, instead of having 3 ugly Red Rings, you’ll have a nice Christmass bling-bling. Check out the video and keep on laughing! I don’t.

Nokia N95 8GB Review

Se pare ca dupa articolul Nokia N95 8GB – The Master Of All Phones m-am decis sa-l achizitionez. Desi in Romania inca nu se gaseste oficial, cei de la Vodafone, Orange nestiind absolut nimic (dupa nenumarate telefoane la ei) iar Media Galaxy tot spunand ca vine saptamana viitoare (la fiecare 2 saptamani) la un pret incredibil (2800 RON)… well, pana la urma am reusit sa fac comanda de asa ceva din afara. Este pachetul cu Spiderman 3 inclus care are pe butoane si simbolurile arabesti (chiar imi plac telefoanele si cu aceste simboluri, sunt luminate mai bine noaptea). Intrucat nu am avut decat cateva zile la dispozitie, sper ca review-ul sa fie cat mai punctual. Oricum, astept intrebari pentru punctele pe care nu le gasiti in review. So, let’s proceed. Apasati Read More (sau poza de mai jos) pentru full review.
N95 8GB Spiderman
Continue reading Nokia N95 8GB Review