Category Archives: PS3

Romania Se Lupta Cu Morile De Vant!

“Romania se lupta cu morile de vant!”. Pare o expresie tipica pentru vremurile lui Don Quijote dar atat de des intalnita in ultima perioada incat a intrat deja in domeniul banalului. Chiar daca in locul morilor de vant punem giganti precum Microsoft, Sony si Nintendo, tot nu mai impresioneaza. S-au inradacinat atat de rau in roman lipsurile incat nimic nu-l mai poate soca, nimic nu-l mai poate impresiona. Mai ales cand vine vorba de niste gameri. Pentru presa din Romania in general, cuvantul game deja inseamna stire de nisa. Atat timp cat in continut nu se regaseste Basescu sau Tariceanu, stirea este deja de mana a doua. Sa nu mai vorbim de game (joc), care pentru romanul suparat in general nu-si mai are locul. Putini sunt cei carora un astfel de cuvant le provoaca un zambet ascuns, cei pentru care viata inca inseamna un joc. Sau cei care dupa o zi nenorocita de munca se retrag in linistea micii garsoniere unde apa calda este taiata si caldura vine de la un amarat de resou. Aceeasi care in liniste isi pornesc consola sau calculatorul si se retrag in mica lor lume virtuala. Sa nu-i uitam si pe cei care isi educa micul prichindel cum sa conduca de la 4 ani masina la Need For Speed, sau cei care la o petrecere uita de orice grija cu prietenii la un SingStar, Tekken sau Guitar Hero…


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Give Romanian Gaming Community The Rights!

This is the petition we, the romanian console gamers have just started, in hope that the oficials from Microsoft Corporation, Sony Corporation & Nintendo will really hear us and show us the same respect that the other European Union members get and give us Xbox Live, Playstation Store and Wii Shop. So, go here and sign, helping the cause! Thank you in advance! Read more to see the petition and learn about Romania.

No Live for Romania! Continue reading Give Romanian Gaming Community The Rights!

How To Beat The Devil…

… at Guitar Hero III? Well, check out this video, and you’ll see it’s anything else but easy. Specially on the Expert dificulty level. Grats to Georgia.

Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Wii vs PC

This article could be easier named “The Console War”. But if it would be as i wish, it would be a war with no winner. Actually, the winner would be the player, the daily gamer that could get the best out of all worlds. And we have in here the PC world, getting more and more expensive each 3-4 months, when a new GPU or CPU is released. Then we have the Playstation world, which Sony feeds on like a frenzy beast. PSx, PS2, PSP, PS3 are all shortcuts to a world that every gamer should know about. Then we have the new player, Microsoft. If it is an old player on PC world, on the consoles they’ve started recently with their Xbox console. And now they claim “world domination” with their Xbox 360 console. And finnally, we have the “oldest” player in the house: Nintendo. Who in the world doesn’t know what a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube or Wii is? Who will win? Which one is now the recommended choice for a player? Which one is worth investing in? Well, read on and we shall see.

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A True Wiimote For PS3

Well, it’s a statement almost true. There is no such thing as Wiimote for PS3, but this time Logitech almost made it possible. I am talking about Logitech MX Air. It looks like it was crafted from a piece of Playstation 3 (actually, the same black shiny dust atractive material), it works both as a mouse or pointer (wiimote style). It’s wireless of course, and it’s so easy you ask the same you did on PS3 gamepad: “Is this thing really working on a battery or is it alien technology ?”. Installing it on PC was a snap. And the bonus is, is working also with your old mouse. Now i am really happy, i can use my Logitech G5 while working on PC with intensive graphics, and when i move on my secondary screen (nVidia DualView setup on a plasma 42PV600), i can use MX Air with no trouble.

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Heavenly Sword Review

Am asteptat cu nerabdare sa apara roscata magnifica si pe meleagurile noastre, sa vad intr-un final ce poate aceasta jucarie numita PS3. Well, finnaly a venit roscata, si-a inceput nebunia. Am jucat initial pana pe la 5:00 dimineata or so (de pe la 21:00) si cred ca am ajuns pe la capitolul 4. Jocul este demential. Are feeling, un story super, Nariko bate la ei de le sar capacele, dar, pt. mine mirarea a fost de cat de mult mi-a placut sa joc cu Kai, prietena “nebuna” a lui Nariko. E prima oara cand vad SixAxis-ul folosit atat de eficient. Mini game-urile prin care controlezi sagetile lui Kai sunt bestiale pur si simplu. La fel cele prin care Nariko controleaza o imensa “bazooka” sau catapultele. Pur si simplu tu devii glontul, sau sageata, si controlezi miscarea cu ajutorul SixAxis (misti de controller, aplecat in stanga/dreapta/sus/jos).

Continue reading Heavenly Sword Review

Best Of E3 2007 Awards

Although everyone was afraid this year E3 will be no longer the superb show we’ve got used to, it fortunatelly wasn’t so. I mean, this year exceeded everyones expectations, and every developer/publisher showed it’s best. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft bragged a lot about exclusive titles for their consoles, but we’ve seen it coming. Anyway, it was a superb show, and here are the GameTrailers Best of E3 2007. Read more for the rest of them. Enjoy!
[coolplayer autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””]
Best Trailer E3 2007
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Fastest Supercomputer Powered By Cell ?

It seems like PlayStation 3 possesses formidable hardware: IBM’s fastest supercomputer to date, Blue Gene/P, is juiced up by the same kind of processing chip that was originally designed for the Sony PS3. Blue Gene/P is approximately 100,000 more powerful than a PC, just enough to make PlayStation 3 owners feel proud about their powerful machine. IBM’s latest supercomputer can run about 1,000 trillion calculations per second, also termed as “petaflops”. Read more for details.
Continue reading Fastest Supercomputer Powered By Cell ?

Heavenly Sword InGame

I think i’m in love. Althouh sleepy and tired from so much work… i have something to cheer me up. It’s the girl from Heavenly Sword. Check out the gallery, with INGAME screenshots, and you’ll see why she is so lovely, kicking that fat “little” guy.

PS3 Tomb Raider Killer

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune: It’s looking great. It’s looking superb. Hell yeah, it’s sublime! Sorry i can’t post the High Def version (you cand find it in here) to see how gorgeous this is. And again, it seems to be an exclusive title for PS3. Well, keep the good games coming. May the force be with PS3 guys! Lara Croft, eat some dirt!
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

Heavenly Girl To The Rescue Of PS3 ?

Oh Yeah. I believe so. Heavenly Sword might be that title to save PS3 from dying wounds inflicted by more and more games released for Xbox 360. As this is an exclusive title, Xbox 360 fans would cry a little, and then wait for the Rings of Death, then go buy a PS3 (insert evil laughs). Anyway, here is some trailer from Heavenly Swords… i can hardly wait for September 2007.
Heavenly Sword

Folklore Looking Better And Better

The super dudes from came with some movie presentation for the japaneese game Folklore. I can only say that is looking awesome, and it’s one of the expected PS3 titles to break up the slow pace PS3 is showing us lately. Let’s hope the game will not be only about the visual, and the motion sensors from PS3 controller will not fail on us.
Folklore Gameplay

The Darkness Previewed

Yep. The game i was talking about a few days earlier regarding ingame innovations, just got a preview by good guys at It looks good, it looks dark, and it got some nice demonic arms to feed. Check out the trailer and expect it’s release in late June 07.
The Darkness Preview

Sony Blog

Nah belea. Sony nu mai are ce sa faca, si intra in rand cu lumea. Cu alte cuvinte, si-a tras Blog. Il puteti gasi aici. Ma distreaza ca pe blog se lauda de cum stau la partea de Folding (si nu e un lucru rau deloc). Aveti mai jos si un screenshot comparativ. Ah, si inca ceva. Probabil multi se intreaba ce Dzeu se intampla, de postez ba in engleza, ba in romana. Well, e simplu. That’s how my mind works. Part english, part romanian. Asa ca, daca nu va place, nu va pot opri sa schimbati canalul… Pana una alta, have a nice day!
PS3 Folding Stats

Carmack’s Secret Engine

Well, id’s secret game engine just got revealed. In the video demonstration, you can see John Carmack showing off a very nice detailed world, and bragging about over 20GB of textures for just one map. It looks good, but the really good news is that developers are allowed to modify one level/map instantly, without compromising the map or buggin’ it. Good job guys… i can hardly wait for the next game using that engine!
id’s new engine