All posts by MonkY

1920 x 1200 x 2 = Toshiba ?

Again, Toshiba amazes me with strange ideeas. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not strange to want a double resolution than 1920 x 1200. It’s strange willing to do that on a 22″ LCD Monitor. I mean, come on, wasn’t supposed even for FullHD (1920 x 1080p) to get at least 46″ to realise the difference between 720p and 1080p? And now, they want to do 3840 x 2400 on an 22″ LCD?  Some engineers over Toshiba must have so little free time for themselves… Ah, the price will be arround 12.000 EUR. Not bad for a starter. I think i will wait though. I want to get for myself the first FullHD 2.8″ LCD on my mobile phone… Just kidding…

Need A Cyborg Keyboard ?

Well, Saitek did it again. As a prod owner of Saitek Eclipse, i must say i’m shocked about how things develop over Saitek labs. They’ve just started a Saitek Cyborg Range, and the first product is the keyboard from the picture below. They feature multi-colour backlighting, touch-sensitive dashboard, 12 programable keys, gold plated connectors, and so on. Get full details over here.

Boeing 727 Limousine Selling On Ebay !

OMG. Din ciclul “Ce mai faci cand ai prea multi bani” sau “Pimp my plane”, tocmai ce mi-au sarit ochii din orbite vazand pe eBay cum se vinde un Boeing 727 Jet Limo, transformat intr-o limuzina. Se pare ca s-a facut asta pe un cadru de Mercedes. Pretul actual este de 274100 USD (nu prea mult daca ma intrebati pe mine, am vazut masini de 10 ori mai mici care costau de 10 ori mai mult). Intrebarea este, unde Dzeu o va parca?!? Il puteti viziona pe eBay aici, iar in caz ca se termina licitatia, voi salva pagina pt. eternitate. Astept urmatoarea emisiune “Pimp my rocket!”.

Continue reading Boeing 727 Limousine Selling On Ebay !

Cum Protejeaza GMail Spam-ul !

Hehe. Initial clipul mi-a dat un feeling de post-apocaliptic howto video. Fallout style. Dupa care mi-am dat seama ca nu e doar funny, ci denota stilul Gugal (gugal fiind in opinia mea cel mai bun prieten al omului). So, watch and… beware the spam!

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Sony ES Series Update

Well, sunt un maniac al HiFi-ului, si cred ca e vremea ca “vechiul” meu NAD sa fie inlocuit. Desi nu eram un fan Sony in ceea ce priveste fidelitatea sunetului (in special la speakers si receivers), seria ES m-a tentat dintotdeauna. Dupa ce am trecut in revista cam tot ce s-a lansat mai recent de catre Danon, Yamaha, Onkyo, Pioneer, NAD, Harman Kardon, Marantz si Sony, m-am decis sa fac pasul catre noul model din gama ES de la Sony. Avand un raport pret/calitate imbatabil, Sony STR-DA5300ES mi se pare alegerea perfecta. Read more for specs, pictures and links.

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Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Wii vs PC

This article could be easier named “The Console War”. But if it would be as i wish, it would be a war with no winner. Actually, the winner would be the player, the daily gamer that could get the best out of all worlds. And we have in here the PC world, getting more and more expensive each 3-4 months, when a new GPU or CPU is released. Then we have the Playstation world, which Sony feeds on like a frenzy beast. PSx, PS2, PSP, PS3 are all shortcuts to a world that every gamer should know about. Then we have the new player, Microsoft. If it is an old player on PC world, on the consoles they’ve started recently with their Xbox console. And now they claim “world domination” with their Xbox 360 console. And finnally, we have the “oldest” player in the house: Nintendo. Who in the world doesn’t know what a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube or Wii is? Who will win? Which one is now the recommended choice for a player? Which one is worth investing in? Well, read on and we shall see.

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A True Wiimote For PS3

Well, it’s a statement almost true. There is no such thing as Wiimote for PS3, but this time Logitech almost made it possible. I am talking about Logitech MX Air. It looks like it was crafted from a piece of Playstation 3 (actually, the same black shiny dust atractive material), it works both as a mouse or pointer (wiimote style). It’s wireless of course, and it’s so easy you ask the same you did on PS3 gamepad: “Is this thing really working on a battery or is it alien technology ?”. Installing it on PC was a snap. And the bonus is, is working also with your old mouse. Now i am really happy, i can use my Logitech G5 while working on PC with intensive graphics, and when i move on my secondary screen (nVidia DualView setup on a plasma 42PV600), i can use MX Air with no trouble.

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Heavenly Sword Review

Am asteptat cu nerabdare sa apara roscata magnifica si pe meleagurile noastre, sa vad intr-un final ce poate aceasta jucarie numita PS3. Well, finnaly a venit roscata, si-a inceput nebunia. Am jucat initial pana pe la 5:00 dimineata or so (de pe la 21:00) si cred ca am ajuns pe la capitolul 4. Jocul este demential. Are feeling, un story super, Nariko bate la ei de le sar capacele, dar, pt. mine mirarea a fost de cat de mult mi-a placut sa joc cu Kai, prietena “nebuna” a lui Nariko. E prima oara cand vad SixAxis-ul folosit atat de eficient. Mini game-urile prin care controlezi sagetile lui Kai sunt bestiale pur si simplu. La fel cele prin care Nariko controleaza o imensa “bazooka” sau catapultele. Pur si simplu tu devii glontul, sau sageata, si controlezi miscarea cu ajutorul SixAxis (misti de controller, aplecat in stanga/dreapta/sus/jos).

Continue reading Heavenly Sword Review

Back again…

Imi cer scuze pt. timpul in care am disparut un picut, insa cu atatea probleme si atat de mult de munca, n-am prea mai avut timp pt. proiectele personale. Dar, sunt aici, sunt alive and kickin’. In curand pregatesc ceva articole serioase (hehe) si ceva mai constructiv, in special legat de consolele si implicit activitatile legate de acestea in Romania. Sper sa fie intr-un ceas bun si sa apuc sa dorm mai mult de 2 ore pe zi. Amen. Mai jos, o poza cu cateva din consolele mele. Scuzati dezordinea din camera. Peace! MonkY out!

Game Girl

Best Of E3 2007 Awards

Although everyone was afraid this year E3 will be no longer the superb show we’ve got used to, it fortunatelly wasn’t so. I mean, this year exceeded everyones expectations, and every developer/publisher showed it’s best. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft bragged a lot about exclusive titles for their consoles, but we’ve seen it coming. Anyway, it was a superb show, and here are the GameTrailers Best of E3 2007. Read more for the rest of them. Enjoy!
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Best Trailer E3 2007
Continue reading Best Of E3 2007 Awards

Romania – Always Surprising

Oh da. Am reusit si eu in sfarsit sa scap vre-o 4 zile de prin Bucuresti-ul nostru scump si drag (si cu poluare maxima). Si-am fugit prin tara, la munte (ca e mai ieftin si mai curat). Am vazut si ursul (care n-avea nici-o treaba de a se plimba printre masini si a speria pe cei ce urcau perpedes). Si-am mancat. Si-am baut. Si iar am mancat. Si dupa atata mancare, am admirat peisajul. Frumos, aer curat, soare criminal si ploaie cat cuprinde. Enjoy the album! Scuze ca nu am prea updatat (mai ales ca tot a fost E3 2007 cu o tona de goodies) dar se va remedia!