Category Archives: Incoming

Best Of E3 2007 Awards

Although everyone was afraid this year E3 will be no longer the superb show we’ve got used to, it fortunatelly wasn’t so. I mean, this year exceeded everyones expectations, and every developer/publisher showed it’s best. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft bragged a lot about exclusive titles for their consoles, but we’ve seen it coming. Anyway, it was a superb show, and here are the GameTrailers Best of E3 2007. Read more for the rest of them. Enjoy!
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Best Trailer E3 2007
Continue reading Best Of E3 2007 Awards

Microsoft Surface

You probably heard about it, you probably haven’t. Now you do. The new gadget coming from Microsoft, a new SciFi table with a lot of power underneath, called “Surface”. Watch the video, and pls, after you buy it, don’t put your drinks on it!

Microsoft Surface Teaser

Need For Speed Pro Street

Nu stiu daca ati prins acest post, insa EA s-a tinut de cuvant, si pe data de 31.05.07 au dezvaluit mai multe detalii despre noul Need For Speed. Well, acum nu se mai numeste NFS: Damage ci NFS: ProStreet. Hmm, numele nu-mi spune prea multe, insa trailerul arata foarte ok. Prezentarea a fost insa destul de generala, vorbindu-se despre masini full customizabile, twek and tune specific seriei precedente. Insa cel mai mult s-a vorbit despre damage system, practic in Pro Street orice zgarietura, indoitura devine o “rana de razboi”. Deasemenea s-a mai vorbit despre un mod revolutionar de gameplay online, insa nimic foarte concret. Well, ramane sa vedem in Noiembrie 2007, daca merita sau nu asteptarea.

Need For Speed Pro Street

New Need For Speed Teaser

Hmm, EA nu se dezminte, si deja vad ca au scos “pe piata” un nou teaser, pentru urmatorul Need for Speed. Inca nu stim un nume exact, insa din ce vad acolo, pare a se dori un Burnout killer? Well, vom vedea pe 31.05.2007. Later Edit. Se pare ca deja avem un nume “Need for Speed Damage”. Niice…

Need For Speed Teaser

Starcraft II

Nu cred ca numele Blizzard mai are nevoie de prezentare. Nu cred ca mai exista cineva care sa nu cunoasca cuvintele Warcraft si Starcraft. Iar daca exista, probabil este prea crizat dupa atata Counter Strike. Daca pentru Warcraft avem deja World of Warcraft, Starcraft a fost undeva lasat deoparte. Pana mai deunazi, cand Blizzard a anuntat oficial ca se lucreaza la Starcraft 2. Nu avem un release date, dar avem deja ingame movies, si un trailer de nota 20, asa cum ne-au obisnuit designerii de la Blizzard. Arata exceptional totul, si aduce totodata o groaza de memories. So, here it is, just a sneak preview:

Starcraft II Trailer