Category Archives: Technology

Laser TV Coming in 2008 !

Well, the TV “beast” feeded with lasers is finnaly close to public release. Mitsubishi LaserVue is the first Laser TV set to be launched late this year (2008), and seem to be a good contender for today Plasma, LCD, Projectors & DLP TV’s. Although nobody actually reviewed a final unit, the general impression was something like “The blacks are black, the brights are bright, and the viewing angle puts DLP to shame. The price points are going to be more comparable to plasma and LCD than DLP”. With 200% color gamut that LaserVue provides (more than twice that of most traditional HDTVs), it will run at 120Hz, and boast 500 nits of brightness. I can’t say nothing before i’ll see one, but i expect nothing bad out of this. I guess it’s time for competitors in HDTV Arena to sharpen their pixels and lower their power consumption. Hit read more to get the full Q&A from Mitsubishi regarding the LaserVue TV’s. The press release is also included. Enjoy!

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Let’s Live In Colour !

We live in times when the technology pushes further and further, sometimes forcing us to not even stop and enjoy what is beeing offered by that technology. Fortunatelly, some of us actually take time and discover the beauty behind the techonology beast. For example, take a look at what Art Lebedev Studio is offering, starting with Optimus Maximus Keyboard (an lcd keyboard), continuing with the Crazy Remote and Super Phone. They even covered small things, like digital ashtrays, digital clocks and unbelievable hifi items. Hit the picture to go to our gallery, or click here to visit Art Lebedev Studio’s homepage. Enjoy!

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Sony Launches Nessie To Water…

… but wait. Is this real? Oh my. It’s a hologram. Seems like Sony finally mastered the 15 metters hologram and made a demo right in Tokyo by unleasing Nessie right on the water. Looks so real i can’t even imagine how the entertainment market will look in the near future. Or maybe who knows, they’ll use the technology for games…

Full HD Not Enough ? Think Super HD !

Almost everyone these days is talking about High Definition, Full HD, BluRay and HD-DVD as present HiFi technology. But how about taking a look in the near future? Well, seems like Panasonic as part of APDC (Advanced PDP Development Center) is already developing next generation plasma. Instead of Full HD, the main words are now “Super HD”, which is “just” 4 times higher resolution than Full HD (4000 x 2000 vs 1920 x 1080). I think we are finnally going to put the television next to photography. You can now think Super HD as beeing 8 Megapixels while Full HD beeing only 2 Megapixels. But, what’s more to like, is the fact that the next gen will feature a 42″ Super HD resolution with only 70W needed! I mean… WOW! My 50″ Full HD plasma needs now arround 600W. So going 4 times higher resolution and 8 times lower power consumption… that’s what i call “The Future Sounds/Looks Good!”. For more details check in here.

Super HD Plasma

Microsoft Surface

You probably heard about it, you probably haven’t. Now you do. The new gadget coming from Microsoft, a new SciFi table with a lot of power underneath, called “Surface”. Watch the video, and pls, after you buy it, don’t put your drinks on it!

Microsoft Surface Teaser

Intel Metro Laptop

Yep. This time we have a new Intel super-ultra-thin concept laptop, called Metro. It was designed by Intel along with Ziba Design, and it’s a mere .7 inches thick and weighs just 2.25 pounds. In the video you can see e-ink lid display in action. Hooray for miniaturisation.

Intel Metro Laptop

Air Powered Car !

India. 2007. Forget about hibrid cars, about strange innovations, helium fuel, gpl or whatever else cheaper than petrol gas. And start thinking about the cheapest fuel, ever. And that’s… you guessed it: AIR. Well, in India, an auto builder called Tata Motors is ready to start production run on this air powered car (which will be called either City Cat or Air Car). This car is able to take you whatever you need as long as you don’t wanna go further than 200 Km and not faster than 110 Km/h. It can be refueled either by using a built-in compressor, either at some future to be build “air stations”. Well, It seems like it has zero problems with pollution and looks kinda pretty. Read more to see the full presentation movie.

Indian Air Powered Car
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