Category Archives: Gizmos

Let’s Live In Colour !

We live in times when the technology pushes further and further, sometimes forcing us to not even stop and enjoy what is beeing offered by that technology. Fortunatelly, some of us actually take time and discover the beauty behind the techonology beast. For example, take a look at what Art Lebedev Studio is offering, starting with Optimus Maximus Keyboard (an lcd keyboard), continuing with the Crazy Remote and Super Phone. They even covered small things, like digital ashtrays, digital clocks and unbelievable hifi items. Hit the picture to go to our gallery, or click here to visit Art Lebedev Studio’s homepage. Enjoy!

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Flameless Rechargeable USB Lighter

Din categoria “Ce s-a mai inventat pe USB?”, va prezint noul tip de bricheta (fara flacara), ce se incarca pe USB. In plus, arata super bine, si mai detine si ceva extra memorie flash. Din pacate, pe pagina producatorului (o puteti gasi aici) nu este specificat si cata memorie este disponibila. Dar, ce mai conteaza memoria pt. fumatori?

Need A Cyborg Keyboard ?

Well, Saitek did it again. As a prod owner of Saitek Eclipse, i must say i’m shocked about how things develop over Saitek labs. They’ve just started a Saitek Cyborg Range, and the first product is the keyboard from the picture below. They feature multi-colour backlighting, touch-sensitive dashboard, 12 programable keys, gold plated connectors, and so on. Get full details over here.

A True Wiimote For PS3

Well, it’s a statement almost true. There is no such thing as Wiimote for PS3, but this time Logitech almost made it possible. I am talking about Logitech MX Air. It looks like it was crafted from a piece of Playstation 3 (actually, the same black shiny dust atractive material), it works both as a mouse or pointer (wiimote style). It’s wireless of course, and it’s so easy you ask the same you did on PS3 gamepad: “Is this thing really working on a battery or is it alien technology ?”. Installing it on PC was a snap. And the bonus is, is working also with your old mouse. Now i am really happy, i can use my Logitech G5 while working on PC with intensive graphics, and when i move on my secondary screen (nVidia DualView setup on a plasma 42PV600), i can use MX Air with no trouble.

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USB Laser Guided Missile

Bwahahahaha. For 49.95 USD you can get your own personal Missile Launcher from these guys. It’s powered by USB port, and has some interesting software, that your teammates will start to hate very soon (if it’s getting too accurate). Check out the movie, and let the war begin!
USB Missile Launcher

USB Butt Cooler

Finding so many cool/strange/crazy gadgets every day, i’ve decided to create a new category: GIZMOS. One of the items needed to get into this new area is the new Tanko’s Cooled Chair. From now on, your butt can stay cool all day long. You can visit the product’s page in here (get some japanese dictionary while in there).
Cooled Seat