Tag Archives: laugh

Snake Returns !

As Metal Gear Solid 4 is coming back in force (thx Master Kojima) and i am continuing the console-comics contest started on Computer Games Forum (you can check and participate in here)… well, here is a new comic i’ve created. I just hope Halo 3 fans will enjoy this as much as i did (insert evil laughs). Kids these days…

MonkY - Snake Returns

Microsoft’s Present For Xmas

If you want to laugh, you can start right now! You all remmember the deadly famous RROD (Red Rings of Death) from Microsoft’s Xbox360 console, right? Well, this time, with the new Falcon boards, you get a nice present from them. Whenever the console will crash, instead of having 3 ugly Red Rings, you’ll have a nice Christmass bling-bling. Check out the video and keep on laughing! I don’t.