Tag Archives: plasma

Laser TV Coming in 2008 !

Well, the TV “beast” feeded with lasers is finnaly close to public release. Mitsubishi LaserVue is the first Laser TV set to be launched late this year (2008), and seem to be a good contender for today Plasma, LCD, Projectors & DLP TV’s. Although nobody actually reviewed a final unit, the general impression was something like “The blacks are black, the brights are bright, and the viewing angle puts DLP to shame. The price points are going to be more comparable to plasma and LCD than DLP”. With 200% color gamut that LaserVue provides (more than twice that of most traditional HDTVs), it will run at 120Hz, and boast 500 nits of brightness. I can’t say nothing before i’ll see one, but i expect nothing bad out of this. I guess it’s time for competitors in HDTV Arena to sharpen their pixels and lower their power consumption. Hit read more to get the full Q&A from Mitsubishi regarding the LaserVue TV’s. The press release is also included. Enjoy!

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Panasonic TH-50PY70 Review

Well, cei care ma cunosc, stiu ca sunt pasionat dupa nebunii HiFi, in special ultimele aparitii pe scena asta tumultoasa si din ce in ce mai evoluat. Cei care nu ma cunosc, probabil ca au ajuns pe aceasta pagina cautand pe web un review la un produs pentru care in Romania nu se agita nimeni sa-i faca o prezentare mai serioasa. Nici macar la recentul HiFi Arena un astfel de model nu a putut fi gasit, cei de la Panasonic neprezentand alt model decat din seria PY700. Dupa cum se stie neoficial insa, seria PY700 are inca un strat protector antireflexiv, fapt ce ii da un aspect mai mat si totodata ii scade din contrast de la 10.000:1 la 5.000:1. Acesta fiind unul din principalele motive pentru care am optat pentru PY70, care in mod normal ar trebui sa fie versiunea mai “slaba”. Well, sa vedem in continuare daca este asa sau nu. Apasa read more pentru review-ul complet.
Panasonic TH-50PY70P Continue reading Panasonic TH-50PY70 Review