Category Archives: Phones

What’s Hiding Inside Your Phone ?

… or better said “How to cook your mobile phone using microwave?”. I don’t know exactly what kind of microwave that is, but what’s got inside is really something. Enjoy the movie!

Let’s Live In Colour !

We live in times when the technology pushes further and further, sometimes forcing us to not even stop and enjoy what is beeing offered by that technology. Fortunatelly, some of us actually take time and discover the beauty behind the techonology beast. For example, take a look at what Art Lebedev Studio is offering, starting with Optimus Maximus Keyboard (an lcd keyboard), continuing with the Crazy Remote and Super Phone. They even covered small things, like digital ashtrays, digital clocks and unbelievable hifi items. Hit the picture to go to our gallery, or click here to visit Art Lebedev Studio’s homepage. Enjoy!

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Nokia N95 8GB Review

Se pare ca dupa articolul Nokia N95 8GB – The Master Of All Phones m-am decis sa-l achizitionez. Desi in Romania inca nu se gaseste oficial, cei de la Vodafone, Orange nestiind absolut nimic (dupa nenumarate telefoane la ei) iar Media Galaxy tot spunand ca vine saptamana viitoare (la fiecare 2 saptamani) la un pret incredibil (2800 RON)… well, pana la urma am reusit sa fac comanda de asa ceva din afara. Este pachetul cu Spiderman 3 inclus care are pe butoane si simbolurile arabesti (chiar imi plac telefoanele si cu aceste simboluri, sunt luminate mai bine noaptea). Intrucat nu am avut decat cateva zile la dispozitie, sper ca review-ul sa fie cat mai punctual. Oricum, astept intrebari pentru punctele pe care nu le gasiti in review. So, let’s proceed. Apasati Read More (sau poza de mai jos) pentru full review.
N95 8GB Spiderman
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Nokia N95 8GB – The Master Of All Phones !

We all know about the many expectations we had for Nokia N95. And we all lived through the frustration, the problems, the tech support from Nokia trying to save something that couldn’t be saved. Unfortunatelly, what was supposed “the phone that has it all” was a mess. Bad/poor quality slider, low memory problems and a weak battery (maximum one day usage) killed N95. But now, Nokia listened to the users, and prepared something that seems to fix all problems. For start, it has a larger screen. It’s not much (from 2.6″ to 2.8″) but it’s impressive and uses almost all the frame. Then, we lose the memory slot, but we have now 8GB inside (enough for everyone). And then, we have an improved battery (from 950 mAh to 1200 mAh) and some improved power consumption. Over that, one of the most important things, we have 128MB RAM instead of 64MB RAM. For a Symbian phone, that’s a killer feature. After booting, that means you will get 95MB of FREE RAM for unlimited apps to be opened. Plus, now it’s a Black Beauty, instead of common silver. Unfortunatelly, because of the bigger battery, we lose the lens covers, but i think that’s something we can live with. Another change would be noticed in smaller shortcut area (because of larger screen), in the multimedia keys that are now small bumped buttons, and an improved sliding mechanism. Well, that beeing said, this will be my new phone! Read more for more pics and specs.

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Nokia 7500 Prism Released

Well, after the crazy release of iPhone in US, it seems like Nokia is going on the other “realm”, and starts releasing new phone models for our chinese friends. This time, The Prism (Nokia 7500) along with Nokia 8600, 8800 Sirocco, 6110 Navigator, 5700 XpressMusic, 6500 classic/slider and 3500. That’s a lot of phones. Here are more infos.
Nokia Prism

Nu-mi Raspunzi La SMS…

Eu bag degetul asa deeeeees. Nu, nu e melodie cu prostii, si nici hitul verii. Este un nou concept de telefon. Sper sa ramana la stadiul de concept, sau sa se produca doar pt. cei cu Parkinson (insert evil laugh). Ah, si descrierea “autorului” este romantica cel putin: “Tarati enables the user to connect with others by passing fingers, in order, through key holes. This action of dialing alone is a more magical experience and, hence, more indicative of what’s really happening beyond the visible realm. … Tarati beckons the user to “touch” someone without physically touching a single key. Its design reflects human connectivity in a less material/mechanical, more sensual, way.”

Taranti Phone

Noul Nokia 8600 “Luna” ?

Hmm, dupa atatea cautari, finnally, am prins o poza cu noul Nokia phone, codename “Luna”. Arata bine, dar nu se stie mai nimic despre specificatii. Asteptam cu interes provincia. Deasemenea, tot din ciclul “Razboiul mobilelor”, daca tot suntem la o luna distanta de lansarea iPhone, pun o poza care face cat o mie de cuvinte: Apple iPhone vs LG Prada. Read more for a sneak peak:

iPhone vs Prada

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