Tag Archives: crash

Microsoft’s Present For Xmas

If you want to laugh, you can start right now! You all remmember the deadly famous RROD (Red Rings of Death) from Microsoft’s Xbox360 console, right? Well, this time, with the new Falcon boards, you get a nice present from them. Whenever the console will crash, instead of having 3 ugly Red Rings, you’ll have a nice Christmass bling-bling. Check out the video and keep on laughing! I don’t.

Extended Warranty Or Lingering Death ?

Today, Microsoft just announced oficially: Xbox 360 consoles warranty will be extended from 2 years to 3 years. I’m actually amazed by this announcement. I was hoping for an announcement that they found a way to fix their consoles. I was hoping to recall the series that seem to have manufacture issues. I was crying for some hardware sollution (better cooling, better manufacturing)… But no. They choose to extend the warranty. It’s like “From now on, our customers will be happy. They will be able to go to exchange their broken Xbox 360 consoles not only 20 times in 2 years. Now they can go to service 30 times in 3 years!”. WoW! And this is actually costing them 1bln USD. I wonder where those money come for (actually, from ppl like me who decide not to wait for repair and get e newer console). Read more for full details.
Xbox 360 Ring of Death
Continue reading Extended Warranty Or Lingering Death ?

Can I Patch My 360 ?

I got mad. Really mad. I just had to get my third Xbox 360. I got it replaced under warranty without problems (except losing all my saves, my downloads, themes, trailers, demos, etc… plus losing a lot of time to get to/from the store 4 times). But i got tired. And mad, as i’ve just said. I’ve paid a little fortune for my Xbox360, and all i got was 3 rings of death. I’ve invested a lot of money and time to get original games, to get accesories, to pay monthly for Xbox Live Gold, and all i got was brokend consoles, sooner or later. My Playstation 2 is arround 10 years old, never crashed… my Xbox almost 5 years, never crashed… my older consoles (well, some are even older than i am) also. What’s wrong with Microsoft, not beeing able to fix their hardware inside Xbox 360, or at least improve the cooling? I don’t know, but this time i’ve decided to do something. Nooo, not protesting, but doing some fixes to the console. For the start, fixing the GPU with some epoxy mixture that can ressist upto 300 degrees celsius. The fix it’s suppose to not allow the GPU to unsolder from the motherboard (because of too higher temperature and weak soldering). Well, thank you Microsoft for the games, and Live. But No Thanks for the hardware we have to fix for ourselves!