Tag Archives: heavenly-sword

Heavenly Sword Review

Am asteptat cu nerabdare sa apara roscata magnifica si pe meleagurile noastre, sa vad intr-un final ce poate aceasta jucarie numita PS3. Well, finnaly a venit roscata, si-a inceput nebunia. Am jucat initial pana pe la 5:00 dimineata or so (de pe la 21:00) si cred ca am ajuns pe la capitolul 4. Jocul este demential. Are feeling, un story super, Nariko bate la ei de le sar capacele, dar, pt. mine mirarea a fost de cat de mult mi-a placut sa joc cu Kai, prietena “nebuna” a lui Nariko. E prima oara cand vad SixAxis-ul folosit atat de eficient. Mini game-urile prin care controlezi sagetile lui Kai sunt bestiale pur si simplu. La fel cele prin care Nariko controleaza o imensa “bazooka” sau catapultele. Pur si simplu tu devii glontul, sau sageata, si controlezi miscarea cu ajutorul SixAxis (misti de controller, aplecat in stanga/dreapta/sus/jos).

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Heavenly Sword InGame

I think i’m in love. Althouh sleepy and tired from so much work… i have something to cheer me up. It’s the girl from Heavenly Sword. Check out the gallery, with INGAME screenshots, and you’ll see why she is so lovely, kicking that fat “little” guy.

Heavenly Girl To The Rescue Of PS3 ?

Oh Yeah. I believe so. Heavenly Sword might be that title to save PS3 from dying wounds inflicted by more and more games released for Xbox 360. As this is an exclusive title, Xbox 360 fans would cry a little, and then wait for the Rings of Death, then go buy a PS3 (insert evil laughs). Anyway, here is some trailer from Heavenly Swords… i can hardly wait for September 2007.
Heavenly Sword