Can I Patch My 360 ?

I got mad. Really mad. I just had to get my third Xbox 360. I got it replaced under warranty without problems (except losing all my saves, my downloads, themes, trailers, demos, etc… plus losing a lot of time to get to/from the store 4 times). But i got tired. And mad, as i’ve just said. I’ve paid a little fortune for my Xbox360, and all i got was 3 rings of death. I’ve invested a lot of money and time to get original games, to get accesories, to pay monthly for Xbox Live Gold, and all i got was brokend consoles, sooner or later. My Playstation 2 is arround 10 years old, never crashed… my Xbox almost 5 years, never crashed… my older consoles (well, some are even older than i am) also. What’s wrong with Microsoft, not beeing able to fix their hardware inside Xbox 360, or at least improve the cooling? I don’t know, but this time i’ve decided to do something. Nooo, not protesting, but doing some fixes to the console. For the start, fixing the GPU with some epoxy mixture that can ressist upto 300 degrees celsius. The fix it’s suppose to not allow the GPU to unsolder from the motherboard (because of too higher temperature and weak soldering). Well, thank you Microsoft for the games, and Live. But No Thanks for the hardware we have to fix for ourselves!

I’m Back !

Well, i’m back! Twice as ugly, ten times tired… The last week was a really big mess for me, so please apologise my absence. I’ve tried to redecorate my g/f room, and while i was doing that, i was trying to do something for my room. What a disaster… my room finnaly got some yellow colour (that i actually hate), my whole console collection got full of dust… my lovely pc almost crashed, etc, etc. But, i’ll try to recover, and if i am not fired from my workplace and lose all contracts, i’ll be back on track really soon. Meanwhile, take care, and have fun!
Cute Baby

Call Of Duty 4

Well, i just got hit by a new trailer for Call of Duty 4. What can i say? Although i am tired of so many shooters, wargames, i never cease to be amased by the speed of graphics engine evolution. It only gets better and better. Beside the realism, these guys should start thinking more about a player feelings, what he actually wants inside a game, beside killing everyone. While the days goes by and i feel older, i am starting to look more and more to innovations, cool ideeas, feelings that a good game story makes the player involve. But don’t forget, most of the players out there, love CounterStrike, so… no comment. Enjoy the trailer:

Call of Duty 4 Trailer

Dead Or Alive – The Movie

Well, what can i say? I hate silly games inspired from movies, and i hate silly movies made after games. But, after all this mouse and cat fight ends, i kinda enjoy this. I enjoy seeing silly things, specially on screen. Today, Dead Or Alive, an Xbox game, it’s making it’s entry on the big screens. It will be probably a super failure, as usual, but at least this time we’ll gonna see some boobs (insert evil laughs).

Dead Or Alive – The Movie

PS3 Upscaling

Dupa update-ul de firmware v1.80, toti am asteptat o revelatie la upscale-ul prin care iubitul nostru Cell ar putea face miracole. IGN a fost primul site pe care am putut gasi comparatii decente, si foarte bine comentate. Puteti vedea tot articolul aici, sau click Read More pt. galeria completa. Parerea mea personala este ca se putea mai mult. Adica, eu unul nu inteleg de ce Sony a optat pt. upscale bilinear, cand ar fi putut opta pentru anisotropic + antialiasing serios. Nu pot decat sa ma gandesc ca au avut in vedere chipul hardware din versiunele NTSC, emulatorul software din variantele PAL fiind probabil mult mai maleabil. Well, asteptam mai multe Sony. Stim ca se poate 🙂

PS3 Upscale
Continue reading PS3 Upscaling

Xbox 360 Titan XFan

Well, dupa “succesul” lui Intercooler si dupa dezastruoasele efecte ale sale (alimentarea lui Intercooler fiind trasa din portul de alimentare al lui X360, cea a lui XFan fiind dintr-un port USB), iata ca a mai aparut un pretendent. Sincer, e o solutie bunicica doar pentru cei care chiar nu vor sa-si desfaca cu propriile manute consola si sa foloseasca fix-ul cu rasina epoxidica. Pagina oficiala o puteti gasi aici. Pt. cei care cauta o solutie mai fiabila (poate chiar permanenta), verificati acest thread. Read more pt. mai multe date despre XFan.

Titan XFan
Continue reading Xbox 360 Titan XFan

PS3 Vs Wii

Oh yes, the fight still goes on. This time, with a nice and naughty videoclip, that explains it all. Honestly, it’s very well put. What do you prefer? The future, or something fun? I want them both. Plus a 360, and PS2 and Xbox just to be sure… and let’s not forget a few Snes, Gamecube and Sega consoles… Yep, console maniac forever! Now, just enjoy the movie 🙂

PS3 vs Wii

PS3 Song

Hahahaha. PS3 are acum propriul sau cantecel. “Sony you went wrong / With your PS3 / I’ll just keep playing / My 360…”. Si da, se pare ca este batut la vanzari de Wii, X360, jocurile apar firav sau deloc, exclusivitatile se duc de rapa, Kutaragi mai ca nu pleaca la Nintendo… Poate doar BluRay sa-l mai salveze, si cele cateva titluri mult asteptate… Amen. Read more pt. versiunea a doua a clipului.

PS3 Song
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