All posts by MonkY

Microsoft Patches Xbox360 !

Call me crazy, but is this the answer from Microsoft to overheating and 3 rings of death problem for Xbox360? I mean, come on. Are they so cheap that the only sollution they find is to add a heatpipe and some small heatsink into another area inside the console? Instead of changing position for the GPU, adding good thermal paste, replacing the cooling system with something better… they’ve decided to only lower the temp by a few degrees? I don’t know if i should laugh or i should cry… i mean, does it really matter if the temperature is lowered by 2-3 degrees when the temperature is high enough so that the GPU contacts simply unsolder from the mainboard?!? Well, anyway, here is a video with the new cooling.. hopefully it’s not the only thing they improved.
New Xbox360 Version

Sony Blog

Nah belea. Sony nu mai are ce sa faca, si intra in rand cu lumea. Cu alte cuvinte, si-a tras Blog. Il puteti gasi aici. Ma distreaza ca pe blog se lauda de cum stau la partea de Folding (si nu e un lucru rau deloc). Aveti mai jos si un screenshot comparativ. Ah, si inca ceva. Probabil multi se intreaba ce Dzeu se intampla, de postez ba in engleza, ba in romana. Well, e simplu. That’s how my mind works. Part english, part romanian. Asa ca, daca nu va place, nu va pot opri sa schimbati canalul… Pana una alta, have a nice day!
PS3 Folding Stats

Black Vs White ?

Trying to add a new poll for the website, i just found some “old” wallpaper i’ve created, called Black Vs White. It’s actually a two “teams” war. PS2+PS3 vs Wii+X360. I love black, and those white consoles are ruining my hifi table… but, tha’ts life. You got to have some contrast to see what you really like. But i’m happy, as Xbox360 Elite will be soon released for Europe also… so my Black collection will be almost complete… Muuuust haaaaave blaaaaaaack Wiiiiiiiiii!?!@#?

Black vs White Small

HD Surround Sound

We kinda live in a HD (High Definition) era. Everything is evolving from SD (Standard Definition) to HD. Even sound. While some got used with their mp3 files at 128kbps, some of us want more (how about 25mbps?). WhatHiFi has just created a small chart trying to show the bandwith needed by some of the most used formats. Check their page in here for more infos.
Sound Bandwith

Prince Of Persia Is Back !

And we are not talking about a new Prince Of Persia. Oh no. We are talking about the original Prince Of Persia, who ruined our social life when we were kids, making us dream about beeing some persian hero, trying to save our beloved princess. Old times… Now, on Xbox Live (Xbox 360 only, sorry guys), you can replay the old memories. This time the remake is enhanced, it’s looking 3d’ish, although it really isn’t. Check out some ingame videos.
Prince of Persia Xbox Live

Carmack’s Secret Engine

Well, id’s secret game engine just got revealed. In the video demonstration, you can see John Carmack showing off a very nice detailed world, and bragging about over 20GB of textures for just one map. It looks good, but the really good news is that developers are allowed to modify one level/map instantly, without compromising the map or buggin’ it. Good job guys… i can hardly wait for the next game using that engine!
id’s new engine

Can I Patch My 360 ?

I got mad. Really mad. I just had to get my third Xbox 360. I got it replaced under warranty without problems (except losing all my saves, my downloads, themes, trailers, demos, etc… plus losing a lot of time to get to/from the store 4 times). But i got tired. And mad, as i’ve just said. I’ve paid a little fortune for my Xbox360, and all i got was 3 rings of death. I’ve invested a lot of money and time to get original games, to get accesories, to pay monthly for Xbox Live Gold, and all i got was brokend consoles, sooner or later. My Playstation 2 is arround 10 years old, never crashed… my Xbox almost 5 years, never crashed… my older consoles (well, some are even older than i am) also. What’s wrong with Microsoft, not beeing able to fix their hardware inside Xbox 360, or at least improve the cooling? I don’t know, but this time i’ve decided to do something. Nooo, not protesting, but doing some fixes to the console. For the start, fixing the GPU with some epoxy mixture that can ressist upto 300 degrees celsius. The fix it’s suppose to not allow the GPU to unsolder from the motherboard (because of too higher temperature and weak soldering). Well, thank you Microsoft for the games, and Live. But No Thanks for the hardware we have to fix for ourselves!

I’m Back !

Well, i’m back! Twice as ugly, ten times tired… The last week was a really big mess for me, so please apologise my absence. I’ve tried to redecorate my g/f room, and while i was doing that, i was trying to do something for my room. What a disaster… my room finnaly got some yellow colour (that i actually hate), my whole console collection got full of dust… my lovely pc almost crashed, etc, etc. But, i’ll try to recover, and if i am not fired from my workplace and lose all contracts, i’ll be back on track really soon. Meanwhile, take care, and have fun!
Cute Baby